5 G Technology information has smacked you in the face if you have been shopping for a phone or a carrier in recent weeks.  The trick is to sift out the technological “hype” that comes from introducing 5 G technology from the reality of its effects on our lives.

The Year of 5 G Technology:  Every Time We Get a New G, What Happens?

5 G Technology Brings New Hope For the Future.

Technology Will Bring Key Advances in Medicine, manufacturing, agriculture, and Transportation

On the one hand, the very companies who are excited about the technology are intent on selling consumers their 5G services and products.

On the other hand, reputable experts are also poetically touting the advent of 5 G as life-changing.  Of course, all of this technology touches us here at Bullhorn Media since it will expand your powers to send, play and profit from the media we create.

So, although this is certainly not the first time we have mentioned 5 G, it’s time to welcome you to a three-part blog series on the subject.

Welcome to the Dream World of Your Near Future

Let’s get visual and imagine how the amazing speed and latency behind 5G will affect our daily life:

We know gamers are excited about the real-time advantages 5 G technology will bring them.  But, there are far more advantages to 5 G.  And now, we only hint at the world it could bring us.

5 G Technology and Transportation

What if your car reacted and communicated with hundreds of cars around it within a millisecond, real time?  That would certainly change car accidents, traffic jams, and highway mortality rates, wouldn’t it?  According to Digital Trends, online magazine experts, we will soon see real examples.  They state,  “Hundreds of self-driving cars that move in concert, with limited risk that they’ll hit each other.”  This is “because they all know exactly where they are in real-time and reacting to the actual world around them.”

By the way, it will be the same way with trains. They will have improved efficiency, schedules and advanced notice of difficulties.

5G Technology and Robotic Medicines”

Coming soon, 5 G technology will also power the next generation of robotic devices.  The medical industry is incredibly involved in new possibilities.  Most notable is that “Surgeries could be performed from the other side of the world…”  An expert surgeon in L.A. could operate on a patient in the wilds of North Dakota.  He or she would use robotic hands and instruments.  Real-time control is the secret.  The doctor could see a bleeder in surgery immediately.  There would not be the lag of fractions of seconds.   With such capabilities, we believe we are looking at a future where time and distance will no longer make the difference between life and death.

The 5G network and Manufacturing

5 G Technology: Possibilities are Limitless

Surgery By Remote: Endless Possibilities

In the 5G vision of the future, we envision factories with robots that can accomplish more work.  Communication is key.  They will be able to communicate real-time positioning.  Then, they will be acting and reacting to each other with an instantaneous efficiency never before been possible due to 5 G Technology.

In factory situations, it is not difficult to see how faster, wireless communication over a 5G network, could affect the bottom line.
5 G Technolgy will improve the communication clarity of one machine to another,

  • One human to another,
  • Humans to machines
  • And Machines to humans.

Farming Greets 5G Technology

The Farming Industry is greeting 5 G technology with open arms and big budgets.  In your mind, picture this:

“A fleet of drones flying over a field of crops.  They are using sensors on the ground to sort, pick, feed, and water individual plants. – All on their own.”  Companies are spending billions to create farming innovations.  Some of these will find new ways to address a world in which far too many people still do not have enough to eat.  5G technology will help solve world hunger if managed properly.

A History Lesson: To Separate the 5G Technology Dream from the Reality

Generally, we need to view a little past history.  This is because 5G, and indeed, technology itself is in 1/10th revolution and 9/10th evolution.  But 5 G Technology is Barely Here, No Matter What Your Local Carrier Tells You

PC Magazine helped us with a quick historical comparison between the ways 4G affected our lives and how 5 G will gently take our civilization to the next level.

Here’s how they put it: “5G is an investment for the next decade, and in previous mobile transitions, we’ve seen most of the big changes happening years after the first announcement.”

The Past:  Life at the Speed of 4G

To understand 5G, PC Magazine experts took us through some of the evolution of 4G first, and we summarize:

  • The first 4G phones in the US appeared in 2010.
  • But the sorts of 4G applications that changed our world didn’t appear until later.
  • For example, we got Snapchat and similar apps in 2012.
  • The Uber did not revolutionize our transportation industry until 2013.
  • Then making phone calls through LTE networks did not appear until 2013.

But 5 G Technology is Barely Here, No Matter What Your Local Carrier Tells You

5 G Technology: Real or Dream?

Robotics and Virtual Reality are Destined For More Than Playing Games

As 5 G rolls out the same sort of plan we can expect that, “while we’re getting a little bit of 5G right now, “the big 5G applications to crop up around 2021 or 2022.”  Meanwhile, yes, there will be a little bit of “confusing as wireless carriers jockey for customers and mind share.”

Terrific 5 G Technology Take-Aways

To put it simply, although the phones are our introduction to the world 5 G, their technology indicates only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.  We are only just beginning to see the Brave, New World beyond simple phone improvements.  Thus, that Brave New World will lead us into improving every aspect of human life.

How is Your Vision for the Future of 3, 5 and 10 Years From Now?

  • The “G’s” are each one faster than their predecessors. 5G networks excel at higher data transfer speeds.
  • 5 G technology also includes lower latency times. This means basically, the networking responds in real time for things that need immediate feedback, like self-driving cars)
  • Last but not least, 5 G technology will allow us the ability to connect a universe of additional devices.

Then the Internet of Things (IOT) will drive farming, transportation, communications, manufacturing, and medicine, as well as your family car.  Perhaps we won’t go into a “galaxy far, far away” in the near future, but we will certainly “go where no man (or machine) has gone before” in the field of communication.

Thank you for reading our blog and please join us for our next look into the future of things to be.