Father’s Day 2020 should be more than just a day.  Bullhorn Media proclaims it to be a week of honor and gratitude for Dad and all of our Father figures.  They have blessed our lives.  Just as in years past, Bullhorn Media sends Dads a Big Bullhorn of Honor.  Additionally, we send thanks to all the father figures who have blessed our lives.

Welcome to Father’s Day 2020 Week

Father's Day 2020 is the Time to Show Dad the Love You Feel.

Father’s Day Should Last a Week Instead of Just One Day…and Likewise Love is the Best Gift.

Certainly, the owners and staff of Bullhorn Media recognize Father’s Day as a Special Day packed with gifts, surprises and special meals for Dads all over America.  2020 has been especially hard on fathers. Moreover, with work paused and schools closed, they have met challenges beyond other years.  Therefore, before we discuss our business related topic, Coping With Reopening, let’s honor some Dads with some sweet trivia.

The Father’s Day Backstory and Bullhorn’s Inspiration

Therefore, we officially dedicate this blog to Fathers and the families who will be celebrating the super heroes of their lives, their father-figures. With various fascinating facts about Fathers, this blog is meant to honor our fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers, mentors and friends who have had a profound influence on our lives.

Father’s Day 2020:  A Bullhorn Blast from the Past

At Bullhorn Media, we enjoy tracing the historical perspective behind various holidays.  Surprisingly, we discovered Father’s Day dates back to the early 1900’s.

Families and friends first created a formal day honoring fathers on June 19, 1910 in Spokane, Washington at the YMCA.  Initially, Sonora Smart Dodd created the day indirectly. And here is how she did it…  She heard about Mother’s Day in 1909 and told her pastor she “thought fathers should have a similar holiday.”

You see, Sonora Smart Dodd’s father was a man ahead of his time.  Her father knew about the art of fatherhood. After the untimely death of Sonora’s mother, he had raised six children as a single parent. He did this at a time when such behavior was almost unheard of. It occurred long before it was cool to be Mr. Mom.

At Bullhorn Media, we think Sonora and her Dad would be very proud of the fathers of 2020.  To clarify, we mean the Dads who have dealt with COVID-19

Dawn of a New Day for Dads

Research proved that the local clergymen approved of Sonora Smart Dodd’s idea for a day that celebrated Fatherhood.  And the first Father’s Day sermon was given on June 19, 1910.  However, the government did not make the holiday official until (unbelievably 1972).  “Under President Richard Nixon, in 1972, Congress passed an act officially making Father’s Day a national holiday.” (Six years later, Sonora died at age 96.)

Father’s Day and a Bullhorn Full of Prizes

First of all, 75% of men will have fun plans for celebrations this weekend.  This fact of trivia holds true year after year.

In fact experts estimate that consumers will spend $12 billion on our Father’s Day heroes.  And even though we spend $23 billion on Mother’s Day, we are sure our fathers know it’s the thought that counts.

Trivia Trends for Father’s Day 2020:  Tributes of Gifts and Meals for Our Protectors, Mentors and Father figures

On Father's Day 2020, Let Dad Know You Think, He's King of the Castle!

The Best Gift For Dad… Your Love!

We will be putting most of our time and money on the actual gifts, from ties to trucks.  But the gifts would not be special enough if presented alone. Firstly, let’s look at the budget for sub-categories and trimmings, from gift bags to celebratory meals:

  •  $467 million spent on gifts
  • $140 million spent on food and drink
  • $52 million on cards and wraps

A Bullhorn of Spending Statistics

But now, we bring this Father’s Day blog around to some business commentary.  So, please forgive us as we list some strategic figures.  You’ll understand why, as you read on.  Gifts account for the highest amount of spending on Father’s Day presents. Of course, there is a wide range of selections that top the charts as the top picks for Dad for the holiday. 

  • Gift cards:  $2.2 billion of spending, giving dad the option to choose his perfect gift from his favorite store.
  • Fashion:  $2.2 billion spending tag for clothing making it one of the top three gifts types most often purchased for dad on Father’s Day.
  • Computer-related accessories and electronics:  $1.8 billion dollars. These range from phones to software, to televisions, and media devices.
  • Greeting cards earn retailers an estimated $860 million in revenue throughout the holiday weekend.

Dad’s Day Shopping:  Small Business on Parade in 2020

The lion’s share of this little economic boom is, of course, going to the department stores. They will get 36% of Father’s Day shopping Dollars.  Then, 29% of the money will go to online purchases and discount stores will grab 25%. However, here are that statistics we love as we see, businesses reopening after the COVID-19 crisis:

Small business, specialty stores and specialty clothing stores will garner 23, 17 and 10 percent of those valuable retail dollars.  COVID-19 and all its’ restrictions have focused a spot light on small and medium businesses.  Thus, this Father’s Day will see them profit at a higher level than previous Father’s Days. This is due only to the high-profile stature of small businesses as they emerge from COVID restrictions.

A Bullhorn Full of Help from Bullhorn-Media

As specialists in video and photography for medium and small businesses, we are helping you  reopen every day. Just look at our popular shopping list of items:

  1. Businesses are hiring and re-hiring. But training and re-training requires knowledge of your COVID-19 rules and regulations as we reopen the economy.  We can provide customized video to make this knowledge to communicate to new or re-hired employees.  Such instructional material on video will save you time, money and frustration.
  2. We will help you design and create individualized photography, graphics and signage to help your customers and your community stay aware of the “new normal” in such things as mask-wearing and social distancing. Clients judge you by media.

Do Your Photos and Video Reflect Your Current Business Image?

Check with our photography department for more ways we can help.  You know, a hastily printed paper from a cheap printer does not say much for your image as a business. And Bullhorn makes stylish media fit your budget. There couldn’t be a better time to upgrade your image.

Coping With COVID:  Media Reflections

Coping with COVID restrictions involves communication. Photography and video helps you communicate.  We sincerely suggest you upgrade your photography, graphics and website content to reflect the new look of life in the 21st century. We are waiting to show you how to update your branding with fine media. Certainly,, you will be amazed.

Happy Father’s Day and a Bullhorn Blast of Blessings!