Fathers Day brings a Bullhorn of Honor to all the father figures who have blessed our lives.  The owners and staff of Bullhorn Media recognize Father’s Day as a Special Day.  And not surprisingly, it will be packed with gifts, surprises and special meals for Dads all over America.

The Fathers Day Backstory and a Bullhorn’s Full of Dreams and Inspiration

Take the Time to Honor Dad on Fathers Day

Fathers Day: Happy Times for Baby and Dad

Surprisingly, this may be an unusual blog for Bullhorn Media.  Rather than our usual topics involving video cameras, scripts, and the video, photo or technological industry news, we are spending this blog on the topic of honoring fathers. (Well, read on to see how we work in a little irresistible technology.)

A Bullhorn Fathers Day Proclamation

Therefore, we officially dedicate this blog to Fathers and the families who will be celebrating the superheroes of their lives, their father-figures.  With various fascinating facts about Fathers, this blog is meant to honor men, fathers, grandfathers, mentors, and friends who have had a profound influence on our lives.

Do you know the history of Father’s Day dates back to the early 1900’s?  Fathers were first formally honored on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington at the YMCA.  We owe a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd a debt of gratitude for sanctifying Father’s Day officially.

She heard about Mother’s Day in 1909 and told her pastor she thought fathers should have a similar holiday. You see, her father knew about the art of fatherhood. After the untimely death of Sonora’s mother, he had raised six children as a single parent. And that happened long before it was cool to be Mr. Mom.

The local clergymen approved of Sonora Smart Dodd’s idea for a day that celebrated Fatherhood.  The first Father’s Day sermon was given on June 19, 1910.  But Father’s Day was not an official holiday until endorsed by Richard Nixon endorsed it in 1978.

Fathers Day and a Bullhorn Full of Dollars

Would you believe that an average of 75% of men in both the United States and the United Kingdom have made plans to celebrate Father’s Day this weekend? And families will be prepared with gifts, cards, surprises, and love.  Experts estimate that consumers will spend $12 billion on our Father’s Day heroes.  And even though we spend $23 billion on Mother’s Day, we are sure our fathers know it’s the thought that counts.

Trivia Trends for Fathers Day:  Tributes of Gifts and Meals for Our Protectors, Mentors and Father figures

Sometimes, Gifts Aren't Quite Enough on Fathers Day

To Keep Him Flying, Dad Needs Your Love on Fathers Day

Some of the tributes for fathers day for our Protectors, Mentors, and father figures includes special trivia concerning meals and gifts.  Thus, most of our time and money will be spent on the actual gifts; everything from ties to trucks.  But the gifts would not be special enough if presented alone.  Let’s look at the budget for sub-categories and trimmings:

  • $467 million spent on gifts
  • $140 million spent on food and drink
  • $52 million on cards and wraps
  • And some Dads like to make their own choices so we’ll be purchasing $2.2 billion worth of gift cards.  In that way, he can make his own decision to purchase that which is close to his heart.

A Bullhorn Full of Tech-Savvy Gifts for Dads

Now at Bullhorn, we know that you might be puzzled about the needs of a tech-savvy Dad, especially if you do not follow the inroads of technological or digital trends.

In order to discover the hottest tech gifts for Dads, we researched the Internet and with the help of New York Mag, we found the latest in electronics and digital gadgets for the fathers in your life.  Both Kohn Liu, founder of AC Gears, and Stephen Farrell, director of merchandising at Hammacher Schlemmer have a grip on the bleeding edge of technological gifts and gizmos that will delight dads of every type.  Thus, you can begin with virtual reality tracking, futuristic kitchen aids or fitness tracking.  The 21st-century tech-savvy father is likely to love it all.

Fathers Day: For the Dad Who Travels With an Internet of Things

Not only dad, but the whole family will love the added security provided by the Nest Cam Indoor Security Camera.  “One of Farrell’s picks: the smart security camera from Nest sends alerts of suspicious activity directly to the app and includes speakers and a microphone.  Farrell said it helps his family feel more secure.”  Our shopping hint:  So, shop around, but look at Bed, Bath and Beyond…

 Fathers Day and Who Rules the Nest

Not to be outdone by security, the Nest Learning Thermostat is also a great family oriented, Father’s Day gift.  Jeff Titterton, marketing senior vice-president at Zendesk, endorses the Nest Smart Thermostat.  That’s because makes it “easier to control everything throughout the house.” Yikes!  Do we dare give Dad such a bullhorn full of power?

Something Special for the Audiophile:  A Hybrid of Old and New

Father’s Day:  If your father loves “sound,” Give him the Ion Audio Air LP 3-Speed Belt-Drive Bluetooth Turntable.  We know Dads with vinyl record collections will appreciate this Bluetooth turntable, a pick from Farrell.  Here’s another plus, with this sleek set-up, Dads can play their records with Bluetooth.  They simply hook the turntable into a wireless speaker or on their own private headphones.

Fathers Day is a Happy Time When Spent with Family

Happy Father’s Day From Our Family To Yours

Something for the Fathers Day Photographer or the Photo Collector:  The Aura Digital Photo Frame

Sentimental Dads love photographs and taking photographs.  On one hand, he is the photographer.  On the other hand, perhaps he just collects family photos.  Either way, he will love this 21st-century photo album in a digital frame. By the way, it will upload images from his phone into the display.

The Ultimate Bullhorn of Digital Thrills:  DJI Spark Portable Mini Drone

All Dads, even those who protest it, will secretly want a drone.  The DJI Spark is no toy.  He can be a tech wizard and control it with his hand gestures.  And it does not cost a fortune.  Give Dad the gift of flight.  And while surprising, it’s sure to bring out the little boy in any man and fun for the whole family!  So from our family to yours!  Happy Father’s Day from Bullhorn Media.

All Dads, even those who protest it, will secretly want a drone.  The DJI Spark is no toy.  He can be a tech wizard and control it with his hand gestures.  And it does not cost a fortune.  So, Give Dad the gift of flight.